This collection of folders contains data and analysis scripts relating to this manuscript: ECM degradation initiates tissue growth, which ceases with a rapid cell cycle exit in the Drosophila abdominal epidermis Davis, JR et al Current Biology 2022 The contents of the folder are as follows: - Data_analysis_cell_cycle contains a jupyter file producing graphs of correlations of cell cycle times in WT Movies 1-4. - Data_analysis_Myosin contains a jupyter file analysis of myosin II intensity on junctions. - Tissue_miner_scripts contains R scripts used for analysis of histoblast movies. - Tissue_miner_version_used_for_analysis contains the version of Tissue Miner used for analysis. - The folders WT1-WT4 contains segmented images of the tissue (corresponding to Movie1-Movie4 in the manuscript) and results from Tissue Miner analysis. - Projection contains the Matlab suite used to project the histoblast movies. - Correction contains the Matlab suite used to manually correct skeletons generated from histoblast movies. - Tracker contains the Matlab suite use to track cells in histoblast movies and to correct tracking errors. - Growth_simulations contains a python code performing simulations of growing tissues, partly using experimental data in the folder "data"