README Related to the collection of data and script from Van Maldegem, Valand, et al. 2021 Set the working directory in R to the parent folder that contains all the folders and files needed for input, e.g.: Working_directory /3D_plots /Figures_input /Neighbourhood_analysis /Stats_input Also make an output folder within this same working durectory, where files can be saved: Working_directory /output The order of data processing is: Segmentation with imcyto >input: IMC_ometiff_files & metadata.csv >plugins: Segmentation_plugins normalisation_and_scaling.R > Normalisation_input rPhenograph_clustering.R > Clustering_input To generate the plots in Figure 2 in the paper: Code_for_figure_2.R >Figure_2_input Annotation of the clusters is done with Celldata_postprocessing Celldata_postprocessing.R > Figures_input/ input_celldata_postprocessing.csv To generate the plots in Figure 3-6 in the paper: Code_for_figures.R > Figures_input/input_celldata_complete.csv > Figures_input/macrophage_umap.csv > Figures_input/Tcell_umap.csv Code_for_Suppl_Figures.R > Figures_input/input_celldata_complete.csv neighbouRhood_permutation_prep.R > Neighbourhood_analysis/input/É > Figures_input/input_celldata_complete.csv neighbouRhood_permutation_test.R > Neighbourhood_input neighbouRhood_permutation_downstream_analysis.R >Neighbourhood_input Statistics using the linear mixed-modelling are detailed in separate scripts. lme_counts.R > Stats_input/counts_table.csv > Stats_input/glmer_full_3c.rds > Stats_input/glmer_null_3c.rds > Stats_input/glmer_full_3d.rds > Stats_input/glmer_null_3d.rds lme_neighbours.R > Stats_input/neighbouRhood_figure4d_lme_input.csv lme_means_and_distances.R > Stats_input/means_table.csv