The Francis Crick Institute

Multiple roles of Pol epsilon in eukaryotic chromosome replication.

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Version 2 2022-03-03, 14:57
Version 1 2022-02-16, 12:19
journal contribution
posted on 2022-03-03, 14:57 authored by Milos A Cvetkovic, Esther Ortega, Roberto Bellelli, Alessandro Costa
Pol epsilon is a tetrameric assembly that plays distinct roles during eukaryotic chromosome replication. It catalyses leading strand DNA synthesis; yet this function is dispensable for viability. Its non-catalytic domains instead play an essential role in the assembly of the active replicative helicase and origin activation, while non-essential histone-fold subunits serve a critical function in parental histone redeposition onto newly synthesised DNA. Furthermore, Pol epsilon plays a structural role in linking the RFC-Ctf18 clamp loader to the replisome, supporting processive DNA synthesis, DNA damage response signalling as well as sister chromatid cohesion. In this minireview, we discuss recent biochemical and structural work that begins to explain various aspects of eukaryotic chromosome replication, with a focus on the multiple roles of Pol epsilon in this process.


Crick (Grant ID: 10065, Grant title: Costa FC001065) European Research Council (Grant ID: 820102 - CRYOREP, Grant title: ERC 820102 - CRYOREP)
