The Francis Crick Institute

APOBEC3 as a driver of genetic intratumor heterogeneity

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-14, 11:19 authored by Subramanian Venkatesan, Mihaela Angelova, Jirina Bartkova, Samuel F Bakhoum, Jiri Bartek, Nnennaya Kanu, Charles Swanton
Our recent study revealed that APOBEC3B is upregulated during the preinvasive stages of non-small cell lung cancer and breast cancer. In addition to its role in mediating single nucleotide variants, we propose that APOBEC3 promotes copy number intratumor heterogeneity prior to invasion, providing a substrate for cancer evolution.


Crick (Grant ID: 10169, Grant title: Swanton FC001169) Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation (Grant ID: NNF15OC0016584, Grant title: NovoNordisk Foundation 16584) European Research Council (Grant ID: 835297 - PROTEUS, Grant title: ERC 835297 - PROTEUS)
