The Francis Crick Institute


posted on 2023-09-21, 17:05 authored by Johannes KohlJohannes Kohl, Rachida AmmariRachida Ammari

Electrophysiology data (basic biophysical parameters, depolarization block, MPOA activity types, postsynaptic currents) for Ammari, Monaca et al. (2023). For more info and abbreviations see README_Fig2.rtf

=== Variable names - depol_block.csv ===================

Vir = MPOA-Gal neurons in virgins

D10 = MPOA-Gal neurons at pregnancy day 10

D18 = MPOA-Gal neurons at pregnancy day 18

D22 = MPOA-Gal neurons at day 22 after mating

D50 = MPOA-Gal neurons at day 50 after mating

D18-PR = pregnancy day 18, MPOA-Gal specific PR knockout

D22-PR = day 22 after mating, MPOA-Gal specific PR knockout

D18-Esr = pregnancy day 18, MPOA-Gal specific Esr1 knockout

D18-ctrl = pregnancy day 18, AAV-EGFP negative control in MPOA-Gal neurons

Vir-Gal- = Gal-negative MPOA neurons in virgins

D18-Gal- = Gal-negative MPOA neurons in at pregnancy day 18

=== Script – depol_block.csv ===================


=== Variable names – mpoa_activity_types.csv ===================

Vir = MPOA-Gal neurons in virgins

D10 = MPOA-Gal neurons at pregnancy day 10

D18 = MPOA-Gal neurons at pregnancy day 18

D22 = MPOA-Gal neurons at day 22 after mating

D50 = MPOA-Gal neurons at day 50 after mating

D18-PR = pregnancy day 18, MPOA-Gal specific PR knockout

D18-Esr = pregnancy day 18, MPOA-Gal specific Esr1 knockout

D18-ctrl = pregnancy day 18, AAV-EGFP negative control in MPOA-Gal neurons

D18-GIRK = pregnancy day 18, recording with Tert-Q

Vir-Gal- = Gal-negative MPOA neurons in virgins

D18-Gal- = Gal-negative MPOA neurons in at pregnancy day 18

active = phasic + tonic

=== Script – mpoa_activity_types.csv ===================


=== Variable names – psc.csv ===================

frequency_Glu_Hz = EPSC frequency

frequency_GABA_Hz = IPSC frequency

=== Script – psc.csv ===========================


=== Variable names – mpoa_ephys.csv ===================

Vir = MPOA-Gal neurons in virgins

D10 = MPOA-Gal neurons at pregnancy day 10

D18 = MPOA-Gal neurons at pregnancy day 18

D22 = MPOA-Gal neurons at day 22 after mating

D50 = MPOA-Gal neurons at day 50 after mating

D18-PR = pregnancy day 18, MPOA-Gal specific PR knockout

D18-Esr = pregnancy day 18, MPOA-Gal specific Esr1 knockout

D18-ctrl = pregnancy day 18, AAV-EGFP negative control in MPOA-Gal neurons

D18-GIRK-Tertiapin Q = pregnancy day 18, recording with Tertiapin-Q

D22-PR = day 22 after mating, MPOA-Gal specific PR knockout

Virgin-Gal- = Gal-negative MPOA neurons in virgins

D18-Gal- = Gal-negative MPOA neurons in at pregnancy day 18

Cm = membrane capacitance [pF]

db = depolarization block [yes/no]

I_zero = activity pattern at resting membrane potential [silent, tonic, phasic]

ff = firing frequency [Hz]

ih = Ih current [pA]

hw = action potential half-width [ms]

rheo = rheobase [pA]

vm = resting membrane potential [mV]

ir = input resistance [MOhm]

s_freq = frequency of spontaneous postsynaptic currents [Hz]

s_amp = amplitude of spontaneous postsynaptic currents [pA]

s_rise = rise time of spontaneous postsynaptic currents [ms]

s_decay = decay time of spontaneous postsynaptic currents [ms]

=== Script – mpoa_ephys.csv ===========================





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